27. Q&A Gospel of Matthew_NABRE Chapter 27

27. Q&A Gospel of Matthew_NABRE Chapter 27

1. Why did the chief priests and elders take counsel against Jesus in Matthew 27?

a. Because Jesus healed a leper

b. Because Jesus claimed to be a king

c. Because Jesus violated the Sabbath

d. Because Jesus refused to pay taxes

Answer: b. Because Jesus claimed to be a king (Matthew 27:1)

1* When it was morning,a all the chief priests and the elders of the people took counsel* against Jesus to put him to death.

2. What did Judas do when he saw that Jesus had been condemned in Matthew 27?

a. Celebrated

b. Deeply regretted his actions

c. Went into hiding

d. Joined the chief priests in condemning Jesus

Answer: b. Deeply regretted his actions (Matthew 27:3)

3b Then Judas, his betrayer, seeing that Jesus had been condemned, deeply regretted what he had done. He returned the thirty pieces of silver* to the chief priests and elders,c

3. How did Judas express his regret for betraying Jesus in Matthew 27?

a. Apologized publicly

b. Returned the thirty pieces of silver

c. Offered sacrifices for forgiveness

d. Wrote a letter of confession

Answer: b. Returned the thirty pieces of silver (Matthew 27:3)

3b Then Judas, his betrayer, seeing that Jesus had been condemned, deeply regretted what he had done. He returned the thirty pieces of silver* to the chief priests and elders,c

4. What did the chief priests and elders say to Judas when he confessed his sin in Matthew 27?

a. "You are forgiven"

b. "What is that to us? Look to it yourself."

c. "We understand your dilemma"

d. "You did the right thing"

Answer: b. "What is that to us? Look to it yourself." (Matthew 27:4)

4saying, “I have sinned in betraying innocent blood.” They said, “What is that to us? Look to it yourself.”

5. How did Judas ultimately meet his end according to Matthew 27?

a. Died peacefully in his sleep

b. Crucified by the Romans

c. Stoned by the angry crowd

d. Hanged himself

Answer: d. Hanged himself (Matthew 27:5)

5* Flinging the money into the temple, he departed and went off and hanged himself.

6. What did the chief priests do with the thirty pieces of silver that Judas returned in Matthew 27?

a. Used it for temple renovations

b. Distributed it among the poor

c. Returned it to Judas

d. Used it to buy the potter’s field

Answer: d. Used it to buy the potter’s field (Matthew 27:6-7)

6The chief priests gathered up the money, but said, “It is not lawful to deposit this in the temple treasury, for it is the price of blood.” 7After consultation, they used it to buy the potter’s field as a burial place for foreigners.

7. Why did the chief priests say it was not lawful to deposit the money in the temple treasury in Matthew 27?

a. The money was cursed

b. It was too much money for the treasury

c. It was the price of blood

d. The treasury was closed

Answer: c. It was the price of blood (Matthew 27:7)

7After consultation, they used it to buy the potter’s field as a burial place for foreigners.

8. What is the name given to the field purchased with the thirty pieces of silver in Matthew 27?

a. The Green Pasture

b. The Potter's Garden

c. The Field of Blood

d. The Blessed Land

Answer: c. The Field of Blood (Matthew 27:8)

8That is why that field even today is called the Field of Blood.

9. What did the chief priests and elders take counsel against Jesus for?

a. Healing the sick

b. Teaching love and compassion

c. Putting him to death

d. Offering sacrifices

Answer: c. Putting him to death (Matthew 27:1)

1* When it was morning,a all the chief priests and the elders of the people took counsel* against Jesus to put him to death.

10. To whom did Judas return the thirty pieces of silver after betraying Jesus?

a. The disciples

b. The Pharisees

c. The chief priests and elders

d. The Roman soldiers

Answer: c. The chief priests and elders (Matthew 27:3)

3b Then Judas, his betrayer, seeing that Jesus had been condemned, deeply regretted what he had done. He returned the thirty pieces of silver* to the chief priests and elders,c

11. What did Judas say when he returned the thirty pieces of silver?

a. "I have sinned in betraying innocent blood."

b. "I have done nothing wrong."

c. "This money is a gift for you."

d. "I regret nothing."

Answer: a. "I have sinned in betraying innocent blood." (Matthew 27:4)

4saying, “I have sinned in betraying innocent blood.” They said, “What is that to us? Look to it yourself.”

12. Why did the chief priests decide not to deposit the money in the temple treasury?

a. It was considered dirty money

b. It was the price of blood

c. The treasury was full

d. It was against the law

Answer: b. It was the price of blood (Matthew 27:6)

6The chief priests gathered up the money, but said, “It is not lawful to deposit this in the temple treasury, for it is the price of blood.”

13. What is the potter's field called, and why?

a. Field of Joy, a happy place

b. Field of Redemption, a sacred ground

c. Field of Blood, because it was bought with the price of blood

d. Field of Harvest, a fruitful land

Answer: c. Field of Blood, because it was bought with the price of blood (Matthew 27:8)

8That is why that field even today is called the Field of Blood.

14. What did Pilate ask Jesus when he stood before him?

a. "Are you a prophet?"

b. "Are you the king of the Jews?"

c. "Are you a magician?"

d. "Are you a rebel leader?"

Answer: b. "Are you the king of the Jews?" (Matthew 27:11)

11e Now Jesus stood before the governor, and he questioned him, “Are you the king of the Jews?”* Jesus said, “You say so.”

15. How did Jesus respond to Pilate's question about being the king of the Jews?

a. "Yes, I am the king."

b. "You say so."

c. "I am not a king."

d. "I refuse to answer."

Answer: b. "You say so." (Matthew 27:11)

11e Now Jesus stood before the governor, and he questioned him, “Are you the king of the Jews?”* Jesus said, “You say so.”

16. When accused by the chief priests and elders, how did Jesus respond?

a. He vehemently denied the accusations.

b. He made no answer.

c. He pleaded for mercy.

d. He admitted to the charges.

Answer: b. He made no answer. (Matthew 27:12)

12f And when he was accused by the chief priests and elders,* he made no answer.

17. How did Pilate react to Jesus' silence in the face of the accusations?

a. He was indifferent.

b. He was angered.

c. He was greatly amazed.

d. He was pleased.

Answer: c. He was greatly amazed. (Matthew 27:14)

14But he did not answer him one word, so that the governor was greatly amazed.

18. What did Pilate say to Jesus when he noticed Jesus not responding to the accusations?

a. "Do you not care about these accusations?"

b. "Do you not hear how many things they are testifying against you?"

c. "Why are you silent?"

d. "Are you guilty?"

Answer: b. "Do you not hear how many things they are testifying against you?" (Matthew 27:13)

13Then Pilate said to him, “Do you not hear how many things they are testifying against you?”

19. Why did the governor customarily release one prisoner to the crowd during the feast?

a. Tradition

b. Envy

c. Mercy

d. Sacrifice

Answer: c. Mercy (Matthew 27:15)

15* g Now on the occasion of the feast the governor was accustomed to release to the crowd one prisoner whom they wished.

20. What was the name of the notorious prisoner called Barabbas?

a. Jesus

b. Peter

c. Judas

d. Pilate

Answer: a. Jesus (Matthew 27:16)

16* And at that time they had a notorious prisoner called [Jesus] Barabbas.

21. Why did Pilate's wife send him a message regarding Jesus?

a. She wanted Jesus released.

b. She suffered much in a dream because of him.

c. She believed in Jesus as the Messiah.

d. She thought Jesus was guilty.

Answer: b. She suffered much in a dream because of him. (Matthew 27:19)

19* While he was still seated on the bench, his wife sent him a message, “Have nothing to do with that righteous man. I suffered much in a dream today because of him.”

22. What did the chief priests and elders persuade the crowds to do?

a. Ask for Jesus' release

b. Ask for Barabbas' release

c. Ask for mercy

d. Destroy Jesus

Answer: b. Ask for Barabbas' release (Matthew 27:20)

20h The chief priests and the elders persuaded the crowds to ask for Barabbas but to destroy Jesus.

23. When Pilate asked the crowd what he should do with Jesus called Messiah, what was their response?

a. Release him

b. Crucify him

c. Pardon him

d. Worship him

Answer: b. Crucify him (Matthew 27:22)

22* Pilate said to them, “Then what shall I do with Jesus called Messiah?” They all said, “Let him be crucified!”

24. What did the crowd respond when Pilate declared his innocence and washed his hands?

a. "We are innocent."

b. "His blood be upon us and upon our children."

c. "Release Jesus."

d. "Pilate is guilty."

Answer: b. "His blood be upon us and upon our children." (Matthew 27:25)

25And the whole people said in reply, “His blood be upon us and upon our children.”

25. After releasing Barabbas, what did Pilate do before handing Jesus over to be crucified?

a. Offered sacrifices

b. Prayed for Jesus

c. Scourged Jesus

d. Released more prisoners

Answer: c. Scourged Jesus (Matthew 27:26)

26Then he released Barabbas to them, but after he had Jesus scourged,* he handed him over to be crucified.

26. What was Pilate's reason for wanting to release Jesus?

a. Jesus was innocent.

b. The crowd demanded it.

c. He feared a riot.

d. He admired Jesus.

Answer: a. Jesus was innocent. (Matthew 27:24)

24* i When Pilate saw that he was not succeeding at all, but that a riot was breaking out instead, he took water and washed his hands in the sight of the crowd, saying, “I am innocent of this man’s blood. Look to it yourselves.”

27. In response to Pilate's question about what evil Jesus had done, what did the crowd do?

 a. They remained silent.

 b. They provided evidence of wrongdoing.

 c. They shouted louder for Jesus to be crucified.

 d. They asked for mercy.

 Answer: c. They shouted louder for Jesus to be crucified. (Matthew 27:23)

23But he said, “Why? What evil has he done?” They only shouted the louder, “Let him be crucified!”

28. Why did Pilate release Barabbas to the crowd?

 a. Barabbas was innocent.

 b. Barabbas was a friend of Pilate.

 c. The crowd requested Barabbas.

 d. Pilate had mercy on Barabbas.

 Answer: c. The crowd requested Barabbas. (Matthew 27:26)

26Then he released Barabbas to them, but after he had Jesus scourged,* he handed him over to be crucified.

29. What symbolic act did Pilate perform to emphasize his innocence in Jesus' crucifixion?

 a. He offered sacrifices.

 b. He washed his hands in the sight of the crowd.

 c. He declared Jesus innocent.

 d. He released more prisoners.

 Answer: b. He washed his hands in the sight of the crowd. (Matthew 27:24)

24* i When Pilate saw that he was not succeeding at all, but that a riot was breaking out instead, he took water and washed his hands in the sight of the crowd, saying, “I am innocent of this man’s blood. Look to it yourselves.”

30. What was the response of the people when Pilate asked them which prisoner to release?

 a. They requested Jesus' release.

 b. They asked for Barabbas' release.

 c. They demanded both releases.

 d. They remained silent.

 Answer: b. They asked for Barabbas' release. (Matthew 27:21)

21The governor said to them in reply, “Which of the two do you want me to release to you?” They answered, “Barabbas!”

31. What did the soldiers place on Jesus' head as a form of mockery?

a. A golden crown

b. A crown of thorns

c. A crown of roses

d. A crown of laurel

Answer: b. A crown of thorns (Matthew 27:29)

29k Weaving a crown out of thorns,* they placed it on his head, and a reed in his right hand. And kneeling before him, they mocked him, saying, “Hail, King of the Jews!”

32. How did the soldiers address Jesus mockingly?

a. Hail, Emperor of the World!

b. Hail, King of the Gentiles!

c. Hail, King of the Jews!

d. Hail, Prophet of Nazareth!

Answer: c. Hail, King of the Jews! (Matthew 27:29)

29k Weaving a crown out of thorns,* they placed it on his head, and a reed in his right hand. And kneeling before him, they mocked him, saying, “Hail, King of the Jews!”

33. What material did the soldiers use to create a cloak for Jesus during the mockery?

a. Linen

b. Silk

c. Scarlet military cloak

d. Wool

Answer: c. Scarlet military cloak (Matthew 27:28)

28They stripped off his clothes and threw a scarlet military cloak* about him.

34. How did the soldiers treat Jesus physically during the mockery?

a. They hugged him

b. They bowed before him

c. They spat upon him and struck him on the head

d. They offered him gifts

Answer: c. They spat upon him and struck him on the head.

They spat upon him and took the reed and kept striking him on the head (Matthew 27:30)

35. Who was pressed into service to carry Jesus' cross as they were going out?

a. Matthew

b. Simon of Cyrene

c. John

d. Peter

Answer: b. Simon of Cyrene (Matthew 27:32)

32m As they were going out, they met a Cyrenian named Simon; this man they pressed into service to carry his cross.

36. What did the soldiers do with Jesus' clothes after they had mocked him?

a. Burned them

b. Sold them

c. Divided them among themselves

d. Dressed him in his own clothes

Answer: d. Dressed him in his own clothes.

31And when they had mocked him, they stripped him of the cloak, dressed him in his own clothes, and led him off to crucify him. (Matthew 27:31)

37. Where did the soldiers take Jesus after the mockery and dressing him in his own clothes?

a. To a royal palace

b. To a marketplace

c. To a synagogue

d. To crucify him

Answer: d. To crucify him (Matthew 27:31)

31And when they had mocked him, they stripped him of the cloak, dressed him in his own clothes, and led him off to crucify him.

38. What did the soldiers do with the reed they had given to Jesus during the mockery?

a. Threw it away

b. Used it to write on parchment

c. Gave it to Simon of Cyrene

d. Used it to strike Jesus on the head

Answer: d. Used it to strike Jesus on the head

They spat upon him and took the reed and kept striking him on the head (Matthew 27:30)

39. Who did the soldiers gather around when they took Jesus inside the praetorium?

a. Disciples

b. A crowd

c. The whole cohort

d. Priests

Answer: c. c. The whole cohort

Then the soldiers of the governor took Jesus inside the praetorium and gathered the whole cohort around him (Matthew 27:27)

40. What is the significance of the place called Golgotha?

a. Place of the Skull

b. Garden of Eden

c. Mount Sinai

d. Valley of Death

Answer: a. Place of the Skull (Matthew 27:33)

33n And when they came to a place called Golgotha (which means Place of the Skull),

41. What did they offer Jesus to drink while he was on the cross?

a. Water mixed with honey

b. Wine mixed with gall

c. Milk mixed with spices

d. Vinegar mixed with herbs

Answer: b. Wine mixed with gall (Matthew 27:34)

34o they gave Jesus wine to drink mixed with gall.* But when he had tasted it, he refused to drink.

42. How did they divide Jesus' garments?

a. By tearing them into pieces

b. By casting lots

c. By giving them to the crowd

d. By selling them to the highest bidder

Answer: b. By casting lots (Matthew 27:35)

35p After they had crucified him, they divided his garments* by casting lots;

43. What was the written charge placed over Jesus' head on the cross?

a. Blasphemer

b. Criminal

c. King of the Jews

d. Rebel against Rome

Answer: c. King of the Jews (Matthew 27:37)

37And they placed over his head the written charge* against him: This is Jesus, the King of the Jews.

44. Who were the two individuals crucified with Jesus?

a. Disciples

b. Tax collectors

c. Revolutionaries

d. Pharisees

Answer: c. Revolutionaries (Matthew 27:38)

38Two revolutionaries* were crucified with him, one on his right and the other on his left.

45. How did those passing by react to Jesus on the cross?

a. Offering condolences

b. Shaking their heads in approval

c. Reviling him and shaking their heads

d. Ignoring him

Answer: c. Those passing by reviled him, shaking their heads (Matthew 27:39)

39* q Those passing by reviled him, shaking their heads

46. What accusation did the chief priests, scribes, and elders mockingly make against Jesus?

a. He is a sorcerer

b. He is a false prophet

c. He is the King of Israel

d. He is a thief

Answer: c. He is the King of Israel (Matthew 27:42)

42“He saved others; he cannot save himself. So he is the king of Israel!* Let him come down from the cross now, and we will believe in him.

47. What did the chief priests and elders challenge Jesus to do while on the cross?

a. Perform miracles

b. Confess his sins

c. Come down from the cross

d. Call for heavenly assistance

Answer: c. Come down from the cross (Matthew 27:42)

42“He saved others; he cannot save himself. So he is the king of Israel!* Let him come down from the cross now, and we will believe in him.

48. How did the revolutionaries who were crucified with Jesus react towards him?

a. They remained silent

b. They defended him

c. They joined the crowd in mocking him

d. They prayed for him

Answer: c. They joined the crowd in mocking him

The revolutionaries who were crucified with him also kept abusing him in the same way (Matthew 27:44)

49. What happened from noon onward during the death of Jesus according to Matthew 27?

a. Bright sunlight covered the land

b. Darkness came over the whole land

c. A thunderstorm occurred

d. Earthquakes shook the region

Answer: b. Darkness came over the whole land.

45* t From noon onward,u darkness came over the whole land until three in the afternoon. (Matthew 27:45)

50. At about three o'clock, what did Jesus cry out with a loud voice during his crucifixion?

a. "Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?"

b. "My kingdom come, my will be done"

c. "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do"

d. "Hosanna in the highest"

Answer: a. "Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?"

46v And about three o’clock Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?”* which means, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46)

51. When Jesus cried out, what did some bystanders think he was saying?

a. He was calling for Elijah

b. He was quoting scripture

c. He was praying for forgiveness

d. He was speaking in tongues

Answer: a. He was calling for Elijah.

Some of the bystanders who heard it said, “This one is calling for Elijah.” (Matthew 27:47)

52. What did the centurion and the men with him say when they saw the earthquake and all that was happening during Jesus' death?

a. "This is just a natural disaster"

b. "Truly, this was the Son of God!"

c. "We should leave this place immediately"

d. "Let's celebrate, the ordeal is over"

Answer: b. "Truly, this was the Son of God!" (Matthew 27:54)

54* The centurion and the men with him who were keeping watch over Jesus feared greatly when they saw the earthquake and all that was happening, and they said, “Truly, this was the Son of God!”

53. What significant event happened to the veil of the sanctuary during Jesus' death?

a. It remained intact

b. It was replaced with a new one

c. It was torn in two from top to bottom

d. It was covered with jewels

Answer: c. It was torn in two from top to bottom.

51x And behold, the veil of the sanctuary was torn in two from top to bottom.* The earth quaked, rocks were split, (Matthew 27:51)

54. What happened to the bodies of many saints who had fallen asleep after Jesus' resurrection?

a. They ascended to heaven

b. They remained in their tombs

c. They entered the holy city and appeared to many

d. They disappeared without a trace

Answer: c. They entered the holy city and appeared to many.

52y tombs were opened, and the bodies of many saints who had fallen asleep were raised. 53And coming forth from their tombs after his resurrection, they entered the holy city and appeared to many. (Matthew 27:52-53)

55. Who were the women that were present, looking on from a distance during Jesus' death?

a. Women from Egypt

b. Women from Samaria

c. Women who had followed Jesus from Galilee

d. Women from Jerusalem

Answer: c. Women who had followed Jesus from Galilee.

There were many women there, looking on from a distance, who had followed Jesus from Galilee, ministering to him (Matthew 27:55)

56. Which two women are explicitly mentioned among those who were present during Jesus' death?

a. Mary and Martha

b. Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James and Joseph

c. Elizabeth and Sarah

d. Ruth and Naomi

Answer: b. Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James and Joseph.

56z Among them were Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James and Joseph, and the mother of the sons of Zebedee. (Matthew 27:56)

57. Who requested the body of Jesus from Pilate for burial?

a. Mary Magdalene

b. Joseph of Arimathea

c. Pilate's wife

d. The other Mary

Answer: b. Joseph of Arimathea (Matthew 27:57)

57a When it was evening, there came a rich man from Arimathea named Joseph, who was himself a disciple of Jesus

58. Where did Joseph of Arimathea place the body of Jesus?

a. In a borrowed tomb

b. In a cave

c. In a tomb carved in the rock

d. In a common grave

Answer: c. In his new tomb that he had hewn in the rock (Matthew 27:60)

60and laid it in his new tomb that he had hewn in the rock. Then he rolled a huge stone across the entrance to the tomb and departed.

59. What material did Joseph use to wrap the body of Jesus?

a. Rough cloth

b. Torn garments

c. Clean linen

d. Woolen fabric

Answer: c. Clean linen (Matthew 27:59)

59Taking the body, Joseph wrapped it [in] clean linen

60. What did Joseph of Arimathea do after laying Jesus' body in the tomb?

a. Left immediately

b. Wept at the tomb

c. Rolled a huge stone across the entrance

d. Called for the disciples

Answer: c. Rolled a huge stone across the entrance to the tomb and departed (Matthew 27:60)

60and laid it in his new tomb that he had hewn in the rock. Then he rolled a huge stone across the entrance to the tomb and departed.

61. Who remained sitting at the tomb after Jesus' body was placed there?

a. Peter and John

b. Mary Magdalene and the other Mary

c. The disciples

d. Pharisees

Answer: b. Mary Magdalene and the other Mary

61But Mary Magdalene and the other Mary remained sitting there, facing the tomb. (Matthew 27:61)

62. What did the chief priests and Pharisees ask Pilate to do regarding Jesus' tomb?

a. Seal the tomb and set a guard

b. Remove the body from the tomb

c. Open the tomb for public viewing

d. Ignore the tomb entirely

Answer: a. Seal the tomb and set a guard (Matthew 27:65)

65Pilate said to them, “The guard is yours;* go secure it as best you can.”

63. Why did the chief priests and Pharisees want the tomb secured?

a. To prepare for Jesus' resurrection

b. To prevent theft of Jesus' body by disciples

c. To allow public access to the tomb

d. To conduct a religious ceremony

Answer: b. To prevent theft of Jesus' body by disciples (Matthew 27:64)

64Give orders, then, that the grave be secured until the third day, lest his disciples come and steal him and say to the people, ‘He has been raised from the dead.’ This last imposture would be worse than the first.”*

64. What reason did the chief priests and Pharisees give to Pilate for securing the tomb?

a. They feared a rebellion

b. They were concerned about the disciples stealing the body

c. They wanted to perform a ritual

d. They believed in Jesus' resurrection

Answer: b. They were concerned about the disciples stealing the body (Matthew 27:64)

64Give orders, then, that the grave be secured until the third day, lest his disciples come and steal him and say to the people, ‘He has been raised from the dead.’ This last imposture would be worse than the first.”*

65. How did Pilate respond to the request of the chief priests and Pharisees regarding the tomb?

a. He ordered the tomb to be left unguarded

b. He allowed the disciples to take the body

c. He sealed the tomb and set a guard

d. He ordered the immediate opening of the tomb

Answer: c. He sealed the tomb and set a guard (Matthew 27:65)

65Pilate said to them, “The guard is yours;* go secure it as best you can.”

66. What did the guard do to secure the tomb?

a. Built a fence around the tomb

b. Fixed a seal to the stone and set a guard

c. Opened the tomb for public viewing

d. Removed the stone from the tomb

Answer: b. Fixed a seal to the stone and set a guard (Matthew 27:66)

66So they went and secured the tomb by fixing a seal to the stone and setting the guard.

67. In Matthew 27:1–2, what is the result of the Sanhedrin's consultation regarding Jesus?

a. Jesus is acquitted

b. Jesus is handed over to the governor

c. The Sanhedrin decides to release Jesus

d. The Roman soldiers arrest Jesus

 Answer: b. Jesus is handed over to the governor (Matthew 27:1–2)

68. According to Matthew 27:3, what did Judas do after betraying Jesus for thirty pieces of silver?

a. Repented and returned the money

b. Used the money to buy a field

c. Donated the money to the temple

d. Threw the money into the crowd

Answer: a. Repented and returned the money (Matthew 27:3)

69. What is the significance of the thirty pieces of silver mentioned in Matthew 27:9–10?

a. The price of a piece of land

b. The payment for Judas' betrayal

c. The cost of a potter's field

d. A symbolic amount in religious rituals

Answer: b. The payment for Judas' betrayal (Matthew 27:9–10)

70. In Matthew 27:24, how does Pilate express his disclaiming responsibility for Jesus' death?

a. He declares Jesus innocent

b. He washes his hands

c. He delivers a speech to the crowd

d. He resigns from his position

Answer: b. He washes his hands (Matthew 27:24)

71. According to Matthew 27:25, who assumes responsibility for Jesus' death?

a. Pilate

b. The chief priests

c. The crowd

d. Judas Iscariot

Answer: c. The crowd (Matthew 27:25)

72. In Matthew 27:16–17, who was the alternative choice presented alongside Jesus?

a. Judas Iscariot 

b. Barabbas 

c. Simon Peter 

d. John the Baptist 

Answer:  b. Barabbas (Matthew 27:16–17)

73. What is the meaning of the name Barabbas mentioned in Matthew 27:16–17?

a. Son of the Father 

b. Son of Thunder 

c. Beloved Disciple 

d. Son of Zebedee 

Answer: a. Son of the Father (Matthew 27:16–17)

74. According to Matthew 27:19, who declares Jesus' innocence in a dream?

a. A Pharisee 

b. A Roman soldier 

c. Pilate's wife 

d. A disciple 

Answer: c. Pilate's wife (Matthew 27:19)

75. What form of punishment do the crowds demand for Jesus in Matthew 27:22?

a. Stoning 

b. Crucifixion 

c. Beheading 

d. Exile 

Answer: b. Crucifixion (Matthew 27:22)

76. In Matthew 27:24–25, what action does Pilate take symbolically to distance himself from Jesus' blood?

a. Takes a vow of silence 

b. Washes his hands 

c. Offers a sacrifice 

d. Curses the crowd 

Answer: b. Washes his hands (Matthew 27:24–25)

77. What is the significance of the scarlet military cloak mentioned in Matthew 27:28?

a. Symbol of royalty 

b. Symbol of mourning 

c. Symbol of humility 

d. Symbol of victory 

Answer: a. Symbol of royalty (Matthew 27:28)

78. In Matthew 27:29, what do the soldiers use to create a crown for Jesus?

a. Gold 

b. Thorns 

c. Jewels 

d. Flowers 

Answer: b. Thorns (Matthew 27:29)

79. According to Matthew 27:27, where is the praetorium, the residence of the Roman governor?

a. Caesarea Maritima 

b. Jerusalem Temple 

c. Herod's Palace 

d. Antonia Fortress 

Answer: d. Antonia Fortress (Matthew 27:27)

80. What is the significance of the reed mentioned in Matthew 27:29?

a. Symbol of authority 

b. Instrument of punishment 

c. Symbol of peace 

d. Instrument of healing 

Answer: a. Symbol of authority (Matthew 27:29)

81. According to Matthew 27:32, who was pressed into service to carry Jesus' cross?

a. A Pharisee

b. A Roman soldier

c. A Cyrenian named Simon

d. A disciple of Jesus

Answer: c. A Cyrenian named Simon (Matthew 27:32)

82. In Matthew 27:35, what Old Testament passage is likely the inspiration for the description of the distribution of Jesus' clothing?

a. Isaiah 53:5

b. Psalm 23:1

c. Psalm 22:19

d. Genesis 3:21

Answer: c. Psalm 22:19 (Matthew 27:35)

83. According to Matthew 27:37, what charge was written on the tablet displayed on Jesus' cross?

a. Blasphemy

b. Treason

c. Claiming to be the King of the Jews

d. Violating Sabbath laws

Answer: c. Claiming to be the King of the Jews (Matthew 27:37)

84. In Matthew 27:39–40, what Old Testament passage is quoted by those who reviled Jesus?

a. Isaiah 40:3

b. Psalm 69:22

c. Psalm 22:8

d. Daniel 7:13

Answer: c. Psalm 22:8 (Matthew 27:39–40)

85. According to Matthew 27:43, what Old Testament reference does Matthew introduce that is peculiar to his Gospel?

a. Isaiah 53:10

b. Psalm 22:9

c. Daniel 9:26

d. Wisdom 2:12–20

Answer: d. Wisdom 2:12–20 (Matthew 27:43)

86. What is the significance of the torn veil in Matthew 27:51–53?

a. Access to the presence of God for all people

b. Profaning the Holy of Holies

c. Destruction of the temple

d. All of the above

Answer: a. Access to the presence of God for all people (Matthew 27:51–53)

87. According to Matthew 27:47, who did some of the bystanders think Jesus was calling for when he cried out on the cross?

a. Moses

b. Abraham

c. Elijah

d. David

Answer: c. Elijah (Matthew 27:47)

88. What Old Testament passage is quoted by Jesus in Matthew 27:46 when he cries out on the cross?

a. Isaiah 53:3

b. Psalm 22:2

c. Daniel 9:26

d. Jeremiah 31:31

Answer: b. Psalm 22:2 (Matthew 27:46)

89. How does Matthew 27:65 suggest Pilate responded to the Pharisees' request for a guard?

a. Pilate provided Roman soldiers as guards

b. Pilate refused to provide any guards

c. Pilate instructed the Pharisees to use their own Jewish guards

d. Pilate sought clarification on the need for a guard

Answer: a. Pilate provided Roman soldiers as guards (Matthew 27:65)

90. According to Matthew 27:15, what custom did Pilate follow during the Passover feast?

a. Feeding the poor 

b. Releasing a prisoner chosen by the crowd 

c. Offering sacrifices in the temple 

d. Holding a public trial 

Answer: b. Releasing a prisoner chosen by the crowd (Matthew 27:15)

91. Who made the Christian confession of faith in Matthew 27:54?

a. The centurion

b. The scribes

c. The Pharisees

d. The soldiers

Answer: a. The centurion (Matthew 27:54)

92. In Matthew 27:55–56, who were the important witnesses of the reality of the empty tomb?

a. Mary Magdalene and Joseph of Arimathea

b. The soldiers

c. The Pharisees

d. The scribes

Answer: a. Mary Magdalene and Joseph of Arimathea (Matthew 27:55–56)

93. According to Matthew 27:57–61, what was Joseph of Arimathea's status and relationship to Jesus?

a. A distinguished member of the Sanhedrin

b. A rich man and a disciple of Jesus

c. A Pharisee

d. A chief priest

Answer: b. A rich man and a disciple of Jesus (Matthew 27:57–61)

94. What is the significance of the mention of the new tomb in Matthew 27:60?

a. It indicates Jesus' resurrection

b. It emphasizes Joseph of Arimathea's wealth

c. It is a historical detail

d. It serves an apologetic purpose, ensuring the identification of Jesus' burial place

Answer: d. It serves an apologetic purpose, ensuring the identification of Jesus' burial place (Matthew 27:57–61)

95. In Matthew 27:62, which day is referred to as the day of preparation?

a. The day of Jesus' crucifixion

b. The Sabbath

c. The Passover

d. The day of Jesus' burial

Answer: b. The Sabbath (Matthew 27:62)

96. Why did the Pharisees and chief priests request a guard in Matthew 27:64?

a. To prevent Jesus' disciples from stealing his body

b. To ensure the safety of the tomb

c. To honor Jesus

d. To witness the resurrection

Answer: a. To prevent Jesus' disciples from stealing his body (Matthew 27:64)

97. What is the possible meaning of "the last imposture" and "the first" in Matthew 27:64?

a. The last imposture refers to Jesus' claim of resurrection, and the first refers to his claim of being the one with whom the kingdom of God had come.

b. The last imposture refers to Jesus' claim of being the one with whom the kingdom of God had come, and the first refers to his claim of resurrection.

c. Both refer to Jesus' claim of resurrection.

d. Both refer to Jesus' claim of being the one with whom the kingdom of God had come.

Answer: a. The last imposture refers to Jesus' claim of resurrection, and the first refers to his claim of being the one with whom the kingdom of God had come. (Matthew 27:64)

Memory Verses: Gospel of Matthew

Matthew Chapter 1 Now this is how the birth of Jesus Christ came about. When his mother Mary was betrothed to Joseph,* but before they lived...