Notes for Matthew Chapter 19

Notes for Matthew Chapter 19 


Marriage and Divorce

1. Jesus Leaves Galilee (Matthew 19: 1-2)

   - After speaking, Jesus left Galilee for Judea across the Jordan.

   - Large crowds followed him, and he healed them.

2. Pharisees Test Jesus on Divorce (Matthew 19: 3-6)

   - Pharisees tested Jesus, asking if it's lawful to divorce for any reason.

   - Jesus referred to creation, stating that God made male and female.

   - He emphasized that what God joins together, no one should separate.

3. Question about Moses' Command (Matthew 19: 7-9)

   - Pharisees questioned why Moses allowed divorce.

   - Jesus explained it was due to hard hearts but clarified that divorce, except for unlawful marriages, leads to adultery.

4. Disciples' Reaction (Matthew 19: 10-12)

   - Disciples, hearing this, remarked that it might be better not to marry.

   - Jesus acknowledged that not everyone can accept this teaching, but those who can should.

Blessing of the Children (Matthew 19: 13-15)

   - Children brought to Jesus for a blessing.

   - Disciples tried to stop them, but Jesus welcomed them, stating the kingdom of heaven belongs to such.

The Rich Young Man (Matthew 19: 16-22)

   - A man asked Jesus about gaining eternal life.

   - Jesus listed commandments; the man claimed to follow them all.

   - Jesus challenged him to sell possessions, give to the poor, and follow Him.

   - The man, saddened by this, had many possessions.

Difficulty for the Rich to Enter Heaven (Matthew 19: 23-24)

   - Jesus remarked it's hard for the rich to enter the kingdom of heaven.

   - He used the metaphor of a camel passing through the eye of a needle.

Disciples' Astonishment and Jesus' Response (Matthew 19: 25-26)

   - Disciples were astonished, questioning who could be saved.

   - Jesus emphasized that for humans, it's impossible, but for God, all things are possible.

Peter's Inquiry and Jesus' Assurance (Matthew 19: 27-30)

   - Peter asked what they would receive for leaving everything to follow Jesus.

   - Jesus assured them of rewards in the new age, with positions of authority and eternal life.

   - He concluded with a reminder that the first shall be last, and the last shall be first.

Memory Verses: Gospel of Matthew

Matthew Chapter 1 Now this is how the birth of Jesus Christ came about. When his mother Mary was betrothed to Joseph,* but before they lived...