28. Q&A Gospel of Matthew_NABRE Chapter 28

28. Q&A Gospel of Matthew_NABRE Chapter 28

1. What event is described in Matthew Chapter 28?

   - a. The Baptism of Jesus

   - b. The Transfiguration

   - c. The Resurrection of Jesus

   - d. The Last Supper

   - Answer: c. The Resurrection of Jesus    Matthew Chapter 28

2. Who visited the tomb after the Sabbath, as the first day of the week was dawning?

   - a. Martha and Mary

   - b. Mary Magdalene and the other Mary

   - c. Peter and John

   - d. The disciples

   - Answer: b. Mary Magdalene and the other Mary - Matthew 28:1

3. What supernatural event occurred at the tomb when the women arrived?

   - a. Thunderstorm

   - b. Earthquake

   - c. Tornado

   - d. Hailstorm

   - Answer: b. Earthquake-   Matthew 28:2

4. How did the angel's appearance at the tomb of Jesus in Matthew 28:3-4 look like?

   - a. Like a common man

   - b. Like a soldier

   - c. Like lightning, with clothing white as snow

   - d. In darkness and shadow

   - Answer: c. Like lightning, with clothing white as snow -    Matthew 28:3-4

5. What did the angel say to the women regarding Jesus?

   - a. "He is not here; He has gone away."

   - b. "He is still in the tomb."

   - c. "He has been raised from the dead, just as He said."

   - d. "He is sleeping and will wake up soon."

   - Answer: c. "He has been raised from the dead, just as He said."   Matthew 28:6

6. Where did the angel instruct the women to tell the disciples to go and see Jesus?

   - a. Jerusalem

   - b. Nazareth

   - c. Bethlehem

   - d. Galilee

   - Answer: d. Galilee   Matthew 28:7

7. How did the women react after hearing the angel's message at the tomb?

   - a. They were angry.

   - b. They were confused.

   - c. They were fearful yet overjoyed.

   - d. They were sad and disappointed.

   - Answer: c. They were fearful yet overjoyed.   Matthew 28:8

8. Who did Jesus meet on the way as the women were going to tell the disciples?

   - a. The Pharisees

   - b. The Roman soldiers

   - c. The disciples

   - d. The women

   - Answer: d. The women   Matthew 28:9

9. What did the women do when they met Jesus?

   - a. They ran away in fear.

   - b. They embraced his feet and did him homage.

   - c. They scolded him for causing them distress.

   - d. They questioned him about his resurrection.

   - Answer: b. They embraced his feet and did him homage.   Matthew 28:9

10. Where did Jesus instruct the disciples to go to see Him?

   - a. Jerusalem

   - b. Bethlehem

   - c. Galilee

   - d. Nazareth

   - Answer: c. Galilee   Matthew 28:10

11. What did the guards report to the chief priests in Matthew Chapter 28?

   - a. The resurrection of Jesus

   - b. The disciples stealing Jesus' body

   - c. A miraculous event in the city

   - d. The governor's arrival

   Answer: b. The disciples stealing Jesus' body (Matthew 28:11)

12. How did the chief priests respond to the guards' report?

   - a. They celebrated the resurrection

   - b. They were indifferent

   - c. They were troubled and concerned

   - d. They denied the guards' account

   Answer: c. They were troubled and concerned (Matthew 28:12)

13. What did the chief priests instruct the soldiers to say about the missing body of Jesus?

   - a. Jesus resurrected on His own

   - b. The disciples stole Jesus while the guards were asleep

   - c. A group of strangers took Jesus

   - d. The guards were negligent in their duty

   Answer: b. The disciples stole Him while we were asleep (Matthew 28:13)

14. How did the chief priests plan to handle the situation if the governor heard about it?

   - a. They would admit the disciples' actions

   - b. They would deny any involvement

   - c. They would offer an explanation to satisfy the governor

   - d. They would blame the guards for the confusion

   Answer: c. We will satisfy [him] and keep you out of trouble (Matthew 28:14)

15. What did the soldiers do after receiving instructions from the chief priests?

   - a. They confessed the truth

   - b. They spread the news of Jesus' resurrection

   - c. They followed the chief priests' plan and lied

   - d. They repented for their actions

   Answer: c. The soldiers took the money and did as they were instructed (Matthew 28:15)

16. What statement about the circulated story is mentioned in Matthew Chapter 28?

   - a. It was immediately forgotten

   - b. It became widely accepted among the Romans

   - c. It persisted among the Jews to the present day

   - d. It was deemed as fake news by the community

   Answer: c. And this story has circulated among the Jews to the present [day] (Matthew 28:15)

17. What is the setting of the events described in Matthew Chapter 28?

   - a. Jerusalem

   - b. Galilee

   - c. Samaria

   - d. Judea

   - Answer: b. Galilee (Matthew 28:16)

18. How did the disciples react when they saw Jesus in Galilee?

   - a. They rejoiced with loud shouts

   - b. They worshiped but doubted

   - c. They fell on their faces in fear

   - d. They ran away in disbelief

   - Answer: b. They worshiped but doubted (Matthew 28:17)

19. What did Jesus declare about his authority in Matthew Chapter 28?

   - a. "I have limited authority in heaven and on earth."

   - b. "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me."

   - c. "My authority is confined to earthly matters."

   - d. "I share authority with others in heaven."

   - Answer: b. "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me." (Matthew 28:18)

20. What specific command did Jesus give to his disciples in verse 19 of Matthew Chapter 28?

   - a. "Go and build great temples."

   - b. "Go and make disciples of all nations."

   - c. "Go and establish political dominance."

   - d. "Go and collect offerings from all people."

   - Answer: b. "Go and make disciples of all nations." (Matthew 28:19)

21. What act of initiation did Jesus instruct the disciples to perform in the process of making disciples?

   - a. Circumcision

   - b. Offering sacrifices

   - c. Baptizing them

   - d. Anointing with oil

   - Answer: c. Baptizing them (Matthew 28:19)

22. In the name of whom did Jesus instruct the disciples to baptize new disciples?

   - a. In the name of the Prophets

   - b. In the name of the Apostles

   - c. In the name of the Holy Angels

   - d. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit

   - Answer: d. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19)

23. What did Jesus command the disciples to teach the new disciples they make?

   - a. Teach them to observe only a few commandments.

   - b. Teach them to observe ceremonial rituals.

   - c. Teach them to observe all that he commanded.

   - d. Teach them to observe traditions of men.

   - Answer: c. Teach them to observe all that he commanded. (Matthew 28:20)

24. According to the concluding statement in Matthew Chapter 28, how long did Jesus promise to be with his disciples?

   - a. Until the end of the week

   - b. Until the end of the month

   - c. Until the end of the year

   - d. Until the end of the age

   - Answer: d. Until the end of the age (Matthew 28:20)

Memory Verses: Gospel of Matthew

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