19. Q&A Gospel of Matthew_NABRE Chapter 19

Matthew Chapter 19 Questions

1. What was the topic of Jesus' teaching in Matthew Chapter 19?

   - a. The parables of the kingdom

   - b. Marriage and Divorce

   - c. Healing and miracles

   - d. The Sermon on the Mount

   - Answer: b. Marriage and Divorce (Matthew 19:1)

2. Where did Jesus go after finishing his words in Matthew Chapter 19?

   - a. Jerusalem

   - b. Galilee

   - c. Samaria

   - d. The district of Judea across the Jordan

   - Answer: d. The district of Judea across the Jordan (Matthew 19:1)

3. What question did some Pharisees test Jesus with in Matthew Chapter 19?

   - a. Is it lawful to eat unclean food?

   - b. Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any cause whatever?

   - c. How should the Sabbath be observed?

   - d. Should taxes be paid to Caesar?

   - Answer: b. Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any cause whatever? (Matthew 19:3)

4. How did Jesus respond to the Pharisees' question about divorce in Matthew Chapter 19?

   - a. Divorce is always permissible.

   - b. Divorce is only allowed in cases of infidelity.

   - c. Divorce is permitted for any reason.

   - d. What God has joined together, no human being must separate.

   - Answer: d. What God has joined together, no human being must separate. (Matthew 19:6)

5. What did Jesus say about the allowance of divorce by Moses in Matthew Chapter 19?

   - a. Moses allowed divorce because it was a cultural norm.

   - b. Moses allowed divorce due to societal pressure.

   - c. Because of the hardness of your hearts, Moses allowed you to divorce your wives.

   - d. Moses never allowed divorce.

   - Answer: c. Because of the hardness of your hearts, Moses allowed you to divorce your wives. (Matthew 19:8)

6. According to Jesus in Matthew Chapter 19, who commits adultery when they divorce and remarry?

   - a. Only the person who initiates the divorce

   - b. Both parties involved in the divorce

   - c. Only the person who remarries

   - d. Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery

   - Answer: d. Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery. (Matthew 19:9)

7. How did Jesus respond to his disciples' statement in Matthew Chapter 19:10, "If that is the case of a man with his wife, it is better not to marry"?

   - a. He agreed and discouraged marriage.

   - b. He discouraged marriage but didn't agree with their statement.

   - c. He encouraged marriage for everyone.

   - d. He explained that not everyone can accept this teaching on marriage.

   - Answer: d. He explained that not everyone can accept this teaching on marriage. (Matthew 19:11)

8. What did people bring to Jesus in Matthew 19, seeking his blessing?

   - a. Sick animals

   - b. Children

   - c. Money

   - d. Precious stones

   Answer: b. Children (Matthew 19:13)

9. How did the disciples initially respond when children were brought to Jesus for his blessing?

   - a. They welcomed the children with open arms.

   - b. They rebuked the children.

   - c. They ignored the children.

   - d. They asked Jesus to send the children away.

   Answer: b. They rebuked the children. (Matthew 19:13)

10. What did Jesus say about the kingdom of heaven in relation to children?

   - a. The kingdom of heaven belongs to the wealthy.

   - b. The kingdom of heaven belongs to the wise.

   - c. The kingdom of heaven belongs to the powerful.

   - d. The kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these (children).

   Answer: d. The kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these (children). (Matthew 19:14)

11. After Jesus placed his hands on the children, what did he do?

   - a. He scolded the disciples.

   - b. He went away.

   - c. He performed miracles.

   - d. He gave a sermon.

   Answer: b. He went away. (Matthew 19:15)

12. What did the rich young man ask Jesus about?

   - a. The meaning of life

   - b. The path to eternal life

   - c. The secrets of the kingdom

   - d. The nature of God

   - Answer: b. The path to eternal life (Matthew 19:16)

13. How did Jesus respond to the rich young man's question about gaining eternal life?

   - a. By performing a miracle

   - b. By sharing a parable

   - c. By listing the commandments

   - d. By offering a mysterious saying

   - Answer: c. By listing the commandments (Matthew 19:17)

14. What did the young man claim to have done in relation to the commandments?

   - a. Partially observed them

   - b. Ignored them

   - c. Perfectly observed them

   - d. Modified them

   - Answer: c. Perfectly observed them (Matthew 19:20)

15. What did Jesus instruct the young man to do if he wanted to be perfect and have treasure in heaven?

   - a. Build a temple

   - b. Perform miracles

   - c. Sell his possessions, give to the poor, and follow Jesus

   - d. Fast and pray

   - Answer: c. Sell his possessions, give to the poor, and follow Jesus (Matthew 19:21)

16. How did the young man react to Jesus' instruction?

   - a. He followed Jesus immediately

   - b. He went away happy

   - c. He went away sad because he had many possessions

   - d. He questioned Jesus' authority

   - Answer: c. He went away sad because he had many possessions (Matthew 19:22)

17. What did Jesus say about the difficulty for a rich person to enter the kingdom of heaven?

   - a. It is easy

   - b. It is impossible

   - c. It is comparable to a camel passing through the eye of a needle

   - d. It is uncertain

   - Answer: c. It is comparable to a camel passing through the eye of a needle (Matthew 19:24)

18. How did the disciples react when they heard about the difficulty for the rich to enter the kingdom of heaven?

   - a. They rejoiced

   - b. They were greatly astonished

   - c. They doubted Jesus' words

   - d. They celebrated

   - Answer: b. They were greatly astonished (Matthew 19:25)

19. What did Jesus say in response to the disciples' astonishment about the rich entering the kingdom of heaven?

   - a. He affirmed the impossibility

   - b. He denied his previous statement

   - c. He explained that God makes all things possible

   - d. He remained silent

   - Answer: c. He explained that God makes all things possible (Matthew 19:26)

20. What did Peter ask Jesus concerning giving up everything and following Him?

    - a. What will happen to the rich?

    - b. What will happen to their family?

    - c. What is the cost of discipleship?

    - d. What will be there for them?

    - Answer: d. What will be there for them?  (Matthew 19:27)

21. What promise did Jesus make to his disciples regarding their sacrifice and following Him in the new age?

    - a. They will gain wealth and prosperity

    - b. They will receive eternal life

    - c. They will sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel

    - d. They will become rulers of the world

    - Answer: c. They will sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel (Matthew 19:28)

22. According to Jesus, what will those who have given up houses, family, and lands for His name receive?

    - a. Material wealth

    - b. A hundred times more and eternal life

    - c. Honor and prestige

    - d. Miraculous powers

    - Answer: b. A hundred times more and will inherit eternal life. (Matthew 19:29)

23. How did Jesus conclude his teachings in Matthew Chapter 19?

    - a. With a parable

    - b. With a prayer

    - c. With a warning about the rich

    - d. With a statement about the first and the last

    - Answer: d. With a statement about the first and the last (Matthew 19:30)





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