20. Q&A Gospel of Matthew_NABRE Chapter 20


Matthew Chapter 20 Questions

1. What is the setting described in Matthew Chapter 20?

   - a. A fishing village

   - b. A vineyard

   - c. A marketplace

   - d. A palace

   - Answer: b. A vineyard (Matthew 20:1)

2. At what time did the landowner go out to hire laborers for his vineyard?

   - a. Dawn

   - b. Noon

   - c. Evening

   - d. Midnight

   - Answer: a. Dawn (Matthew 20:1)

3. What did the landowner agree upon with the laborers he hired at dawn?

   - a. A fixed monthly salary

   - b. The usual daily wage

   - c. Payment in kind (fruits from the vineyard)

   - d. No agreement was made

   - Answer: b. The usual daily wage (Matthew 20:2)

4. When did the landowner go out again to hire more laborers?

   - a. Nine o'clock

   - b. Noon

   - c. Three o'clock

   - d. All of the above

   - Answer: d. All of the above (Matthew 20:3-5)

5. How did the laborers who were hired at the dawn react when they received the usual daily wage?

   - a. They were grateful

   - b. They grumbled against the landowner

   - c. They asked for more

   - d. They refused the payment

   - Answer: b. They grumbled against the landowner (Matthew 20:11)

6. How did the landowner respond to the grumbling of the laborers who worked the entire day?

   - a. He increased their pay

   - b. He scolded them

   - c. He ignored them

   - d. He justified his actions

   - Answer: d. He justified his actions (Matthew 20:13-15)

7. What lesson did the landowner teach about the kingdom of heaven?

   - a. The first will always be first

   - b. The last will always be last

   - c. The importance of hard work

   - d. The reversal of expectations

   - Answer: d. The reversal of expectations (Matthew 20:16)

8. How many times did the landowner go out to hire laborers for his vineyard throughout the day?

   - a. Three times

   - b. Four times

   - c. Five times

   - d. Six times

   - Answer: c. Five times (Matthew 20:3-5)

9. What reason did the laborers hired at five o'clock give for standing idle in the marketplace?

   - a. They were lazy

   - b. No one wanted to hire them

   - c. They were waiting for a better offer

   - d. They were on strike

   - Answer: b. No one wanted to hire them (Matthew 20:7)

10. In what order did the landowner instruct the foreman to pay the laborers at the end of the day?

    - a. beginning with the first and ending with the last

    - b. beginning with the last and ending with the first   

    - c. Random order

    - d. Pay all simultaneously

    - Answer: b. beginning with the last and ending with the first (Matthew 20:8)

11. What did the laborers who worked the entire day expect to receive when they saw the others receiving the usual daily wage?

    - a. More than the usual daily wage

    - b. Less than the usual daily wage

    - c. A bonus

    - d. No payment

    - Answer: a. More than the usual daily wage (Matthew 20:10)

12. How did the landowner respond to the question of the laborers who grumbled about their pay?

    - a. He scolded them

    - b. He apologized

    - c. He explained that he was generous

    - d. He fired them

    - Answer: c. He explained that he was generous (Matthew 20:15)

13. Which of the following event is found in chapter 20 of the Gospel of Matthew?

   - a. The parables of Jesus

   - b. The Passion prediction and journey to Jerusalem

   - c. Healing miracles

   - d. The Sermon on the Mount

   Answer: b. The Passion prediction and journey to Jerusalem (Matthew 20:17-19)

14. What did the mother of the sons of Zebedee approach Jesus for?

   - a. Healing

   - b. Asking for a kingdom position for her sons

   - c. Offering a sacrifice

   - d. Seeking forgiveness

   - Answer: b. Asking for a kingdom position for her sons (Matthew 20:20)

15. What specific request did the mother of James and John make to Jesus?

   - a. Request for wealth

   - b. Request for healing

   - c. Request for her sons to be seated at Jesus' right and left in the kingdom

   - d. Request for power

   - Answer: c. Request for her sons to be seated at Jesus' right and left in the kingdom (Matthew 20:21)

16. How did Jesus respond to the request of the mother of the sons of Zebedee?

   - a. He granted the request immediately

   - b. He scolded her for asking

   - c. He questioned if they could drink the cup he was going to drink

   - d. He ignored her

   - Answer: c. He questioned if they could drink the cup he was going to drink (Matthew 20:22)

17. What did the sons of Zebedee reply when Jesus asked if they could drink the cup he was going to drink?

   - a. We cannot

   - b. We can

   - c. We are unsure

   - d. We need more information

   - Answer: b. We can (Matthew 20:22)

18. What did Jesus say about sitting at his right and left in the kingdom?

   - a. It is guaranteed for all believers

   - b. It is not for anyone

   - c. It is for those for whom it has been prepared by the Father

   - d. It is for the one who asks the most

   - Answer: c. It is not mine to give but is for those for whom it has been prepared by my Father (Matthew 20:23)

19. How did the other ten disciples react when they heard about the request of James and John?

   - a. They were happy

   - b. They became indignant

   - c. They were supportive

   - d. They praised James and John

   - Answer: b. When the ten heard this, they became indignant at the two brothers (Matthew 20:24)

20. What did Jesus teach about leadership and authority among his disciples?

   - a. The Gentiles should lead

   - b. The rulers should have authority

   - c. Whoever wishes to be great shall be a servant

   - d. Leadership is not important

   - Answer: c. Rather, whoever wishes to be great among you shall be your servant (Matthew 20:26)

21. According to Jesus, what did the Son of Man come to do?

   - a. To be served

   - b. To rule with authority

   - c. To give his life as a ransom for many

   - d. To accumulate wealth

   - Answer: c. Just so, the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many (Matthew 20:28)

22. How many times does Jesus predict his Passion?

   - a. Once

   - b. Twice

   - c. Three times

   - d. Four times

   Answer: c. Three times (Matthew 20:17-19)

23. In Matthew 20:17, where did Jesus take the twelve disciples to speak with them?

   - a. In the marketplace

   - b. On a mountain

   - c. By the sea

   - d. Aside by themselves

   Answer: d. Aside by themselves (Matthew 20:17)

24. According to Matthew 20:18, who will condemn the Son of Man to death?

   - a. Pharisees

   - b. Chief priests and scribes

   - c. Roman soldiers

   - d. Herod

   Answer: b. Chief priests and scribes (Matthew 20:18)

25. According to the third prediction of his passion, What will happen to the Son of Man after being condemned in Matthew 20:19?

   - a. He will escape

   - b. He will be crowned as king

   - c. He will be mocked, scourged, and crucified

   - d. He will perform miracles

   Answer: c. He will be mocked, scourged, and crucified (Matthew 20:19)

26. According to the third prediction of his passion, How many days will pass before the Son of Man is raised, according to Matthew 20:19?

   - a. One day

   - b. Two days

   - c. Three days

   - d. Four days

   Answer: c. Three days (Matthew 20:19)

27. What did Jesus teach about leadership and authority among his disciples?

   - a. The Gentiles should lead

   - b. The rulers should have authority

   - c. Whoever wishes to be great shall be a servant

   - d. Leadership is not important

   - Answer: c. Rather, whoever wishes to be great among you shall be your servant (Matthew 20:26)

28. What did the blind men sitting by the roadside call out to Jesus as He passed by?

   - a. Rabbi

   - b. Son of David, have pity on us!

   - c. King of Kings

   - d. Messiah

   - Answer: b. Son of David, have pity on us! (Matthew 20:30)

29. How did the crowd respond when the blind men called out to Jesus?

   - a. They encouraged the blind men to speak louder.

   - b. They ignored the blind men.

   - c. They warned the blind men to be silent.

   - d. They joined the blind men in their plea.

   - Answer: c. They warned them to be silent. (Matthew 20:31)

30. What did Jesus ask the blind men when He stopped and called them?

   - a. Where are you from?

   - b. How did you become blind?

   - c. What do you want me to do for you?

   - d. Are you followers of the Pharisees?

   - Answer: c. What do you want me to do for you? (Matthew 20:32)

31. How did the blind men respond to Jesus' question?

   - a. They asked for riches.

   - b. They asked for power.

   - c. They asked for their eyes to be opened.

   - d. They asked for fame.

   - Answer: c. Lord, let our eyes be opened. (Matthew 20:33)

32. What was Jesus' reaction after the blind men asked Him to open their eyes?

   - a. He ignored them.

   - b. He rebuked them.

   - c. He was moved with pity and touched their eyes.

   - d. He walked away.

   - Answer: c. Moved with pity, Jesus touched their eyes. (Matthew 20:34)

33. What happened immediately after Jesus touched the blind men's eyes?

   - a. They became deaf.

   - b. They lost their ability to speak.

   - c. They received their sight.

   - d. They fell asleep.

   - Answer: c. Immediately they received their sight, and followed him. (Matthew 20:34)

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