1. Q&A Gospel of Matthew_NABRE Chapter 1

 Matthew Chapter 1 Questions

  1. Who is the father of Jesus Christ, according to Matthew 1:1? 

a. Abraham

b. David 

c. Solomon 

d. Jacob

  1. According to the genealogy, who became the father of Isaac?

 a. Abraham 

b. Jacob 

c. Judah 

d. David

  1. Who was the mother of Perez and Zerah? 

a. Tamar 

b. Rahab 

c. Ruth 

d. Bathsheba

  1. Who is mentioned as the father of Solomon? 

a. Solomon 

b. David 

c. Rehoboam 

d. Abijah

  1. Whose mother was Rahab? 

a. Salmon 

b. Boaz 

c. Obed 

d. Jesse

5f Salmon the father of Boaz, whose mother was Rahab. Boaz became the father of Obed, whose mother was Ruth. Obed became the father of Jesse,

  1. Who is the father of Joseph, the husband of Mary? 

a. Jacob 

b. Eleazar 

c. Zerubbabel 

d. Matthan

  1. How many generations are mentioned from Abraham to David? 

a. Twelve 

b. Fourteen 

c. Sixteen 

d. Eighteen

  1. What is the significance of the number fourteen in Matthew's genealogy? 

a. Symbolizes completeness 

b. Represents the age of Jesus at the time 

c. Numerical value of David's name in Hebrew 

d. Represents the number of tribes of Israel

[1:17] Matthew is concerned with fourteen generations, probably because fourteen is the numerical value of the Hebrew letters forming the name of David.

  1. What was Joseph's initial intention when he discovered Mary was with child? 

a. Celebrate the news 

b. Divorce her quietly 

c. Publicly shame her 

d. Accept the situation

  1. How does the angel of the Lord appear to Joseph? 

a. In person 

b. Through a vision 

c. In a dream 

d. Through a burning bush

  1. According to the angel, what is the name Joseph should give to the child? 

a. Isaac 

b. Emmanuel 

c. Jesus 

d. Solomon

  1. Which Old Testament prophecy does the angel say is fulfilled in the birth of Jesus? 

a. Isaiah 53 

b. Jeremiah 29:11 

c. Micah 5:2 

d. Isaiah 7:14

23 “Behold, the virgin shall be with child and bear a son,

and they shall name him Emmanuel,” which means “God is with us.”

  1. What does the name "Emmanuel" mean? 

a. Yahweh saves 

b. God is with us 

c. Messiah 

d. Redeemer

  1. What does Joseph do after the angel's visit in the dream?

 a. Rejects Mary 

b. Takes Mary into his home 

c. Seeks confirmation from others 

d. Ignores the message

  1. What does the name Jesus mean? 

a. Yahweh saves 

b. Mighty one of Israel 

c. God with us 

d. Anointed one

  1. What Old Testament figure does Matthew compare Jesus to in the genealogy? 

a. Moses 

b. Abraham 

c. David 

d. Solomon

  1. In Matthew's genealogy, who is portrayed as reliving the Exodus experience of Israel? 

a. Solomon 

b. Jesus 

c. David 

d. Moses

Matthew portrays Jesus as reliving the Exodus experience of Israel and the persecutions of Moses.

  1. What event does Matthew see as the fulfillment of Isaiah's prophecy in Jesus' birth? 

a. The Exodus 

b. The Babylonian exile 

c. The virgin birth 

d. The return from exile

Matthew sees the virginal conception as the fulfillment of Is 7:14.

  1. What is the primary focus of the infancy narrative in Matthew? 

a. Jesus' miracles 

b. Jesus' teachings 

c. Jesus' birth and early childhood 

d. Jesus' ministry in adulthood

  1. Who is mentioned as the mother of Solomon? 

a. Bathsheba 

b. Ruth 

c. Tamar 

d. Rahab

  1. Which Old Testament figure is not mentioned in Matthew's genealogy? 

a. Abraham 

b. Shealtiel

c. Isaac 

d. Adam

22. Which phrase is used to describe Jesus in Matthew 1:21? 

a. Savior of the world 

b. Emmanuel 

c. Son of David 

d. Messiah

The infancy narrative proclaims who Jesus is, the savior of his people from their sins (Mt 1:21), Emmanuel in whom “God is with us” (Mt 1:23), and the Son of God (Mt 2:15).

23. What is the primary focus of the infancy narrative in Matthew? 

a. Jesus' miracles 

b. Jesus' teachings 

c. Jesus' birth and early childhood 

d. Jesus' ministry in adulthood

24. How does Matthew portray Jesus in relation to the promises made to David? 

a. Continuity 

b. Discontinuity 

c. Irrelevance 

d. Opposition

Matthew may have deliberately introduced the psalmist Asaph into the genealogy (and in Mt 1:10 the prophet Amos) in order to show that Jesus is the fulfillment not only of the promises made to David (see 2 Sm 7) but of all the Old Testament.

23. Who is mentioned as the mother of Solomon? 

a. Bathsheba 

b. Ruth 

c. Tamar 

d. Rahab

6g Jesse the father of David the king.

David became the father of Solomon, whose mother had been the wife of Uriah.

24. Which Old Testament figure is not mentioned in Matthew's genealogy? 

a. Abraham 

b. Isaac 

c. Jacob

d. Adam

25. What is the central message of Matthew's genealogy and infancy narrative? 

a. The importance of following the Mosaic law 

b. The fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies in Jesus 

c. The genealogical history of Israel 

d. The significance of David's reign in the lineage of Jesus

26. How does Matthew describe Jesus in relation to David and Abraham in Matthew Chapter 1?

A. Son of David and Abraham

B. Brother of David and Abraham

C. Nephew of David and Abraham

D. Cousin of David and Abraham

27. According to the genealogy in the gospel of Matthew, who was the first person born after the Babylonian exile? 

A. Josiah

B. Jeconiah

C. Shealtiel 

D.  Zerubbabel

28. According to Matthew Chapter 1, what key role does Jesus play in the lives of his people?

A. Healer

B. Teacher

C. Savior from sins

D. King

29. What does the angel tell Joseph about the baby's conception in Matthew Chapter 1?

A. It was through human intervention

B. It was through natural means

C. It was from the Holy Spirit

D. It was a result of Mary's actions

30. Which section of the genealogy in Matthew Chapter 1 includes names not found in any Old Testament genealogy?

A. First section

B. Second section

C. Third section

D. All sections

31. How many generations are there in each part of the genealogy of Jesus in Matthew Chapter 1?

A. 12

B. 13

C. 14

D. 15

  1. How many women are mentioned in the genealogy of Jesus in Matthew Chapter 1?

A. 2

B. 3

C. 4

D. 5

  1. Who is referred to as the "Son of David" the "Son of Abraham" in Matthew Chapter 1?

A. Solomon

B. Isaac

C. Jesus

D. Jacob

  1. What was Joseph's initial intention when he learned about Mary's pregnancy?

A. To marry her immediately

B. To divorce her quietly

C. To expose her to shame

D. To seek guidance from the elders

  1. How does the angel address Joseph in his dream in Matthew Chapter 1?

A. Joseph, son of Jacob

B. Joseph, son of Abraham

C. Joseph, son of David

D. Joseph, son of Solomon

  1. Why does the angel instruct Joseph to name the baby Jesus?

A. Because it was a popular name at the time

B. Because it means "God is with us"

C. Because he will save his people from their sins

D. All of the above

37. According to the genealogy in Matthew Chapter 1, who was the father of Jechoniah and his brothers at the time of the Babylonian exile?

A. Solomon

B. Josiah

C. Shealtiel

D. Zerubbabel

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