.Q&A Gospel of Matthew_NABRE Introduction



The term "Kingdom of heaven" is used exclusively in the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament of the Bible. In the Gospel of Matthew, the phrase "Kingdom of heaven" is mentioned 32 times

It is worth noting that the other three Gospels (Mark, Luke, and John) use the term "Kingdom of God" instead.

The term "Kingdom of God" was used 4 times in the Gospel of Matthew.

It's worth noting that Matthew often uses "Kingdom of Heaven" instead of "Kingdom of God," likely to respect Jewish sensitivities about directly using the name of God.

Quiz: The Gospel According to Matthew

1. In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus' journey to Jerusalem, cleansing of the temple, and controversies are part of which section?

    a) Ministry in Judea and Jerusalem

    b) Opposition from Israel

    c) Ministry and Mission in Galilee

    d) The Passion and Resurrection

    Answer: a) Ministry in Judea and Jerusalem

2. In which part of the Bible is the Gospel According to Matthew found?

   - A) Old Testament

   - B) Apocrypha

   - C) New Testament

   - D) Deuterocanon

   Answer: C) New Testament

3. What is the main theme of the Gospel According to Matthew?

   - A) Creation

   - B) Redemption

   - C) Reconciliation

   - D) Kingdom of Heaven

   Answer: C) Kingdom of Heaven

4. Where was Matthew when Jesus called him to be a disciple?

   - A) Temple

   - B) Fishing boat

   - C) Tax booth

   - D) Synagogue

   Answer: C) Tax booth

5. Which Old Testament prophecy does Matthew highlight to show Jesus as the Messiah?

   - A) Isaiah 53

   - B) Jeremiah 29:11

   - C) Daniel 7

   - D) Micah 5:2

   Answer: D) Micah 5:2

6. What is another name for the Gospel According to Matthew?

   - A) The Good News

   - B) The Gospel of Salvation

   - C) The Sermon on the Mount

   - D) The Gospel of the Kingdom

   Answer: D) The Gospel of the Kingdom

7. Which event in Jesus' life does Matthew begin his Gospel with?

   - A) Birth of Jesus

   - B) Baptism of Jesus

   - C) Transfiguration

   - D) Crucifixion

   Answer: A) Birth of Jesus

8. How many chapters are there in the Gospel According to Matthew?

   - A) 16

   - B) 24

   - C) 28

   - D) 32

   Answer: C) 28

9. What is the significance of the number 14 in the genealogy in Matthew 1:1-17?

   - A) Number of disciples

   - B) Number of books in the Old Testament

   - C) Generations from Abraham to David

   - D) Years of Jesus' earthly ministry

   Answer: C) Generations from Abraham to David

10. Which group of people visited Jesus after his birth according to Matthew?

A) Shepherds

B) Magi (Wise Men)

C) Priests

D) Pharisees

    Answer: B) Magi (Wise Men)

11. What is the Sermon on the Mount, and where is it found in the Gospel According to Matthew?

A) Teaching about prayer (Matthew 6)

B) Teaching about forgiveness (Matthew 18)

C) Teaching about love (Matthew 22)

D) Teaching about blessings and ethical conduct (Matthew 5-7)

    Answer: D) Teaching about blessings and ethical conduct (Matthew 5-7)

12. Which disciple betrayed Jesus, leading to his arrest and crucifixion?

A) Peter

B) James

C) Judas Iscariot

D) John

    Answer: C) Judas Iscariot

13. What is the Great Commission, and where is it found in Matthew?

A) Commission to love one another (Matthew 22)

B) Commission to baptize and make disciples (Matthew 28:18-20)

C) Commission to preach the kingdom (Matthew 10)

D) Commission to heal the sick (Matthew 9:35-38)

    Answer: B) Commission to baptize and make disciples (Matthew 28:18-20)

14. What is the meaning of the title "Emmanuel" mentioned in Matthew 1:23?

A) God with us

B) King of Kings

C) Savior

D) Son of God

    Answer: A) God with us

15. Which miraculous event is recorded in Matthew 14:22-33?

A) Healing of the blind man

B) Feeding of the 5,000

C) Walking on water

D) Raising Lazarus from the dead

    Answer: C) Walking on water

16. What is the central message of Jesus' parables in Matthew 13?

A) Kingdom of heaven

B) Love your neighbor

C) Observance of the Sabbath

D) Importance of prayer

    Answer: A) Kingdom of heaven

17. Which famous prayer is taught by Jesus in Matthew 6:9-13?

A) Prayer of Jabez

B) Lord's Prayer

C) High Priestly Prayer

D) Serenity Prayer

    Answer: B) Lord's Prayer

18. Who recognized Jesus as the Messiah at his birth in Matthew 2:11?

A) Pharisees

B) Scribes

C) Herod

D) Magi (Wise Men)

    Answer: D) Magi (Wise Men)

19. What event is known as the Transfiguration, and where is it found in Matthew?

A) Jesus' resurrection (Matthew 28)

B) Jesus' baptism (Matthew 3)

C) Jesus' transfiguration on the mountain (Matthew 17)

D) Jesus' ascension (Matthew 24)

    Answer: C) Jesus' transfiguration on the mountain (Matthew 17)

20. What is the meaning of the name "Jesus"?

A) God saves

B) God is love

C) God is powerful

D) God is merciful

    Answer: A) God saves

21. Who baptized Jesus in the Jordan River according to Matthew?

A) John the Baptist

B) Peter

C) James

D) Andrew

    Answer: A) John the Baptist

22. What is the primary focus of the Gospel According to Matthew regarding Jesus' ministry?

A) Miracles

B) Parables

C) Teaching

D) Healing

Answer: C) Teaching

23. What does Matthew 22:37-39 emphasize as the greatest commandments?

A) Love God and love your neighbor

B) Honor your parents

C) Keep the Sabbath

D) Observe dietary laws

    Answer: A) Love God and love your neighbor

24. Which chapter of Matthew's Gospel contains the Beatitudes?

A) Matthew 5

B) Matthew 10

C) Matthew 18

D) Matthew 25

    Answer: A) Matthew 5

26. Who is traditionally recognized as the author of the Gospel According to Matthew? 

a) Luke 

b) Mark 

c) Matthew 

d) John 

Answer: c) Matthew 

26. The Gospel of Matthew was possibly composed after __. 

a) A.D. 30 

b) A.D. 50 

c) A.D. 70 

d) A.D. 90 

Answer: c) A.D. 70 

27. The Gospel of Matthew may have been written in which city? 

a) Jerusalem 

b) Bethlehem 

c) Nazareth 

d) Antioch 

Answer: d) Antioch 

28. The Gospel of Matthew primarily relies on which sources? 

a) The Gospel of Luke and "Q" 

b) The Gospel of Mark and "Q" 

c) The Gospel of John and "P" 

d) The Gospels of Luke and John 

Answer: b) The Gospel of Mark and "Q" 

29. How many big discourses does The Gospel of Matthew contain? 

a) Three 

b) Four 

c) Five 

d) Six 

Answer: c) Five 

30. What is the central theme of the Gospel of Matthew? 

a) Sin 

b) Love 

c) Forgiveness 

d) Righteousness 

Answer: d) Righteousness 

31. In which discourse does Jesus commission his disciples to spread His message? 

a) The Eschatological Discourse 

b) The Sermon on the Mount 

c) The Missionary Discourse 

d) The Church Order Discourse 

Answer: c) The Missionary Discourse 

32. What is the focus of 'The Eschatological Discourse'? 

a) Instructions on forgiveness 

b) Jesus's love for humanity 

c) The end times and the return of Jesus 

d) The establishment of the Christian community 

Answer: c) The end times and the return of Jesus 

33. The 'Sermon on the Mount' is found in which chapters of Matthew? 

a) Matthew 5-7 

b) Matthew 10 

c) Matthew 13 

d) Matthew 18 

Answer: a) Matthew 5-7 

34. In the Gospel of Matthew, where does Jesus discusses about community and forgiveness?

    a) The Eschatological Discourse

    b) The Church Order Discourse

    c) The Sermon on the Mount

    d) The Parable Discourse

    Answer: b) The Church Order Discourse

35. What does the Gospel of Matthew start with?

    a) Disciples' story

    b) Virgin birth of Jesus

    c) A parable

    d) A genealogy

    Answer: d) A genealogy

36. What does Jesus predict in the part "Jesus, the Kingdom, and the Church"?

    a) His birth

    b) His suffering and death

    c) His miracles

    d) His teaching

    Answer: b) His suffering and death

37. In 'The Missionary Discourse', Jesus instructs his disciples to go out and spread the message of --

    a) Love and peace

    b) His resurrection

    c) His birth

    d) The kingdom of heaven

    Answer: d) The kingdom of heaven

38. The 'Parable of the Sower', 'The Mustard Seed', and 'The Leaven' are part of which discourse?

    a) The Parable Discourse

    b) The Sermon on the Mount

    c) The Missionary Discourse

    d) The Eschatological Discourse

    Answer: a) The Parable Discourse

39. According to the Gospel of Matthew, which disciple does Jesus base the establishment of the church upon?

    a) Matthew

    b) John

    c) Peter

    d) Judas

    Answer: c) Peter

40. What does Jesus talk about in 'The Eschatological Discourse'?

    a) His birth

    b) The kingdom of heaven

    c) His return and end times

    d) Fellowship and unity

    Answer: c) His return and end times

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